We love to celebrate and what better reason to celebrate than a new baby! Yes, the Gr8 is having a Baby Shower Dinner Party! A Grandbaby Shower!
We are having a baby! Well, we aren’t really having a baby. Anna and Vince are having a baby!
Well, ok, Anna and Vince aren’t really having a baby either. Their son and daughter-in-law are having a baby! So……Anna and Vince are going to be first time Grandparents and this is a first for Great Eight Friends!

Well then, we need to celebr8! Of course we do! So, for our Gr8 dinner this year (2017), Joel and I decided to have “Gr8 Grandbaby Shower”!
The Invitation
Oh boy (yes, that’s what we're having, a boy), let the planning begin!
Now how to deliver the invitation? Of course! To each of three porches we had the local stork deliver a baby made with a diaper (thank you Pinterest) in a carriage, with its baby bottle (invitation rolled up inside) and a blankie.
Baby Shower Decorations
Ok, now we had two weeks to come up with table décor and baby shower games! The table was fun to pull together including simple decorations, many of which I already had.
The centerpiece was a ceramic duck bowl serving goldfish (a child’s favorite snack) and wading in a pool of blue bubbles (pie plate and marbles).
With baby ducks right along side and baby bottles that served the water with our meal.
Pacifiers were used as place cards at the top of each plate and a cloth diaper was used for the napkin.
We found adult sized bibs on Amazon and had some fun with getting them embroidered with our Gr8 logo.
With a bib, binkie and a baby bottle, all the Gr8 kids had some fun!
And what Gr8 kid wouldn't feel like a super hero with his bib as a cape!
The menu was easy enough to come up with. How about everything BABY?!
It wasn't hard to find "baby" themed appetizer ideas on Pinterest. These "baby deviled eggs" are super easy to make and became such a festive appetizer!
"Swaddled babies" were easy to prepare and tasty served with a mild mustard sauce.
I made a quiche and cut it into "baby quiche" bites.
Of course we had "baby back ribs" with baby wipes for our messy fingers!
In baby food jars we dipped baby vegetables into a delicious Pea and Wasabi Dip that I found on Cooking Light. I used the baby food from the jars for some fun later in the evening.
Could we possibly have room for dinner? Of course we do! So we climbed into our high chairs and enjoyed Nanna's delicious and beautiful Roasted Baby Beet Salad with Candied Kumquats.
And Lamb Chops and Orange Carrots and Auntie Jurga's Roasted Herbed Baby Potatoes. Yum!
And of course we cleaned our plates so Auntie Debbie and Uncle Phil served us the most wonderful dessert, Dutch Baby Pancake!
More Baby Shower Fun
Before we end the evening we need to make sure that Nanna and Pops are really ready for the arrival of their first grand baby!
So we tested whether or not they have any idea what baby food really tastes like.
Clearly their eyes must influence their taste because blindfolded, they were not able to identify very basic flavors like peas, sweet potato, mango, bananas, and carrots!
And they thought each taste was Oh so Yum! They were very good sports! Open wide!
Can Nanna change a diaper?
Yep! No problem. Can Pops change a diaper? Ummm,......
Not so much!
Pops will be just fine with Nanna right by his side.
We love to celebr-8 and this was a very special reason!
P.S. In the photos above, did you notice the sweet yellow blanket Anna was wearing? It was her son's baby blanket crocheted by his great-grandmother!
Gr8 Grandbaby Update:
Nanna and Pops' beautiful grandbaby boy was born in July! Pure Joy!
Hi Janet! As you know, we had such a fun time and the most joyous occasion to celebr-8! Thank you for your comments and for being a Gr8 friend!
Janet DeBiaso
Kyle, this post is absolutely darling and so creative!! Congratulations to Anna and Vince, and to the other GREAT 8 ladies for creating such a memorable evening for them. You gals continue to amaze with your fabulous ideas!